Our History


Mouseprice.com launched by Calnea Analytics and quickly establishes itself as the UK's leading free-to-list property portal.
The Mouseprice AVM is launched. It is the first AVM in the UK to utilise the Repeat Sales Regression method.
The team behind the Mouseprice AVM develop the Land Registry House Price Index. Calnea is also chosen as the Land Registry's consultant for house prices.
Mouseprice is acquired by Daily Mail General Trust and placed within their Landmark Information Group business.
Mouseprice Pro is launched.
Daily Movers Feed is launched.
The consumer facing property portal Mouseprice.com reaches 20 million annual users. Over 6 million users receive a Mouseprice Automated Valuation in 2017.
Mouseprice is acquired by PropertyHeads Group. The two property portals combined immediately more than doubles the size of the Daily Movers Feed and expands the Group's network to 8,000 estate agents. PropertyHeads already owns the UK's largest catalogue of user generated "property logbooks" via it's OurProperty subsidiary.
Mouseprice Pro is re-launched with expanded datasets and more comprehensive property reporting and analysis tools. Floorplans+ is launched.

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Our team provides bespoke services by bringing together hundreds of data points into single, concise solutions, tailored to the needs of your business